Monday 1 April 2013


Hope you had a great Easter with lots of chocolate, fun and laughter. My Easter was wonderful as usual. We celebrated it with our grandparents in my home town and my cousin came for a visit with his wife and little baby boy, too. He is really gorgeous and his smile is just the cutest! I love little kids, even if I'm at the start a bit unsure as to how to handle them :D 
I was so stuffed with chocolate, easter bread and cake yesterday that I just fell into bed and this morning I can't be bothered doing much :D But I think that this is a good time to sort through all the photos from our Singapore visit two months ago. There are just so many and everytime I think I have time to go through them, something else keeps coming up. But I'm determined to have them done by this week so that I can show them to you. :)
Also,  how crazy was the easter weather this year? Here, it was snowing all yesterday and everything was covered in snow. It felt more like christmas than easter, but still it was a lovely day.☺

Now it's April already. I can't believe it how quickly time flies by.


  1. vielen dank für dein kommentar :) dir auch schöne Ostern und dein english ist echt gut ! :)

  2. ja die zeit vergeht wie im flug

    dir acuh schöne ostern



  3. wow, toller blog!!
    die Bilder aus deinem letzten post sind wirklich gut geworden!!<3
    ich würde dir auch gerne frohe ostern wünschen, aber da bin ich wohl einen Tag zu spät:))
    wir haben gerade mit dem bloggen angefangen, und würden uns riesig freuen, wenn du mal vorbei schauts:)
    allerliebste grüße

  4. Yes this year is FLYING by!! Hope you had a good Easter as well :)
