Friday 29 March 2013

Happy Easter!

I will keep it short today. I don't have much to tell you at the moment. Since yesterday we are in Augsburg to spend the easter break with our grandparents. Today I spend some time with my best friend and tomorrow we will go to IKEA because I need a new bed and a new wardrobe. I'm so excited. ☺
Well, that's it for now. Maybe I will sneak in one or two photos, but I won't promise anything just yet.

I wish you all a very HAPPY EASTER and that it is decorated with love, peace, happiness and many wonderful moments. 
Sarah Eggs by Sasha L’Estrange-Bell on Flickr.


  1. Awwww, das erste Bild ist zuckersüß ♥

  2. wie süß sind die bilder? oh mann entzückend! süßer blog :)

    + vielleicht nimmst du dir ja kurz zeit um bei meiner blogvorstellung IN SPOTLIGHT (einfach draufklicken) vorbeizuschauen! Würd mich richtig freuen wenn du mitmachst ✌ ☼ ❤

    x x x x x
