Monday 18 February 2013

A little bit more of Weinheim

(This is the way I always walk to our current rental apartment. )
I have my driving lesson in about half an hour and I'm a bit nervous. I had driving experience in Australia before, in fact I had 111 hours and 25Minutes of driving experience, but driving in Germany is a bit different. Right side on the road, different road signs and some rules are slightly different. Unfortunately they don't accept my licence here because I'm not 18 yet though I have to do everything all over again which is a bit annoying but oh well.. at least I'll get more practise and get used to different driving conditions a lot quicker. Hopefull all goes well :D I'll let you know tonight if the car still looks like a car :D hahaha ;)


  1. hi sarah!

    thank you for participating in my blogpresentation campaign! indeed i think your blog is very nice and i'm happy that you joined! i like your header and it's funny that you write about weinheim. i'm living in ludwigshafen! it's not far away :D


  2. omg du lebst jetzt in so einer schönen gegend! ♥♥

  3. if you want to we can make a little blogger-meetup with frozen joghurt, making photos of each other and so on XD
    you mean your friend will study in korea? well i'm half korean, my mum was born in busan, south korea and thus we flew there quite often to visit our relatives. i love korea so much ... especially seoul and haeundae. you must google haeundae, the beach is amazing and awfully beautiful.

  4. Die Bilder sind toll! Weinheim ist echt schön. Ich liebe solche kleinen Gassen und Fachwerkhäuser! :)
    Ich hoffe, dass das Auto noch lebt und du die Fahrt in Deutschland überstanden hast ;)
    Kann es mir echt schwierig vorstellen, plötzlich auf der "falschen" Seite fahren zu müssen :D
